Friday, July 3, 2015

My dream job to pay bills...

I've got my dream job...working in the medical field and doing paperwork (yeah, I'm alittle weird like that), I feel like I have my dream job...but explain to me why I can't make more money doing what I enjoy? And it's mind-boggling to me b/c ppl look down on working fast food when in reality if we look at some of our checks and the bills we have to pay then look at someone working fast-food and their bills, we're possibly in the same boat. My "benefit" is that a boatload of my check goes to that great medical insurance I HAVE TO HAVE. Because I have been diagnosed with lupus and have a transplanted kidney, I am glad to have medical insurance helping me with all the continuous bills I have for one visit or lab draw or another. But for Heaven's sake...!!!! I CAN'T AFFORD NOT ANOTHER BLESS-ED THING!!!! My car is 5yrs old and needs tires, new brakes, an alignment and who knows what else! Then my school loans are callin...broke down to the bare minimum, I'll be payin these stupid things off well into my 90s. I use to take a few dollars and enjoy myself by goin to a movie with my kids, then they collected some friends so I would go by myself. Then I had to trim down to enjoying my time with a nice/special meal or dessert and a movie at home (from my own collection). Then, do to allergies, I decided to spend my monies on organic foods/household necessities. Now...I don't know what I'll do. I don't have Internet at home, only pay for my own cell, reduced the amount of organics I get for 2wks...but the bill for labs (the part med insurance doesn't cover) is here and plates for the car are due...but i gotta figure out how much for maybe jus two tires before winter but i really need the brakes and the alignment taken care of...sigh

Then, I think about it and I'm always able to make it. Technically, this $$$ thang is an issue every payday BUT I don't feel like this every time b/c I remember I was blessed to have my dream job, blessed with my health, blessed with the little that I have and I'm comfortable with it. I've been blessed, over and over and over again, there's so much mess goin on in the world but MY world is feelin fine...and I roll on.

Frustration is a part of being HUMAN as is self-awareness. Right now, myself is aware of being quite frustrated with my many blessing, but I can smile b/c I am also aware of a time when I didn't have a car/medical insurance/dream job or the opportunity to have b/c I made even less $$$. 

                  "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." - Carl Jung

Bilal - Open Up The Door [DOWNLOAD LINK]

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The most AMAZING things...!

Of course no one is going to feel the same way I do about the same things but I have recently found THE MOST AMAZING -two - THINGS happening around me...heads up, both not good. First, my system - internal - was struggling. I mean STRUGGLING in the worse way. I couldn't keep my running schedule up cause I was feeling so...ugh. And for the life of me I could not figure out what the problem was. Finally, my Angel reminded me that at this time of year I usually increase my smoothies and fresh foods. Well, since finances pretty much dictate how all that's gonna play out, I haven't been able to do as much in the area of fresh and was experimenting with a few other healthy foods and a few other things I would see on sale between Apple Valley Market, Whole Foods, The Garden Patch Market and Down To Earth. It was all so much fun trying this and that bars and teas and frozen foods. But, alas, my system had had enough and was not ashamed to say so. Excuse me if you're too sensitive for the subject, but I know ya'll saw Dr Oz when he was talkin about when you try to "go" and only get "little marbles" well, if you know your body like I know mine and THAT starts happening then you know "somethin aint right"! As I was saying, FINALLY, I heard my Angel pointing out that my fruit and green veggie intake is usually higher right now cause so many fruits are in season. Unfortunately, my wonderful and loving son - who is 23-yrs-old - is a bit of a moocher and is currently using my NutriBullet. Oh, I tried the "sharing" thing but I was buying the fruit and he was using more than me because he doesn't use any veggies and I REFUSE to stress myself with the consistent conversation of "Sweetie, can you clean the NutriBullet, please?" "SWEETHEART, can you clean the NutriBullet, please?!" "BOY! GET YOUR BEHIND IN THE KITCHEN AND CLEAN MY STUFF!" No...not willing to do that. Anywho, after recently staying up till 4am drinking 16oz of 100% fruit juice waiting for something to happen, I finally decided to eat a bowl of green leafies I had cleaned in the fridge then, sort of, went to sleep. Then next morning, I woke up pissed cause I missed church and still hadn't gone to the bathroom and would have to go out to Whole Foods (WF) for another juice - cause I like 8oz a day to take to work - but finally, finally, finally, I WAS ABLE TO "GO"!!!! It may be gross to some, but thas because you haven't experienced it...keep livin ;-) I was so happy, ya'll, if I knew a dance routine I would've done it! 

Another amazing thing is this world...there are so many negative things goin on within communities, cities, states, our country, other countries that gets publish and shown on/in the news. Then there are those little sections of our local paper or that one spot at the end of the depression news cast that there are some positive and good things still happening in various communities/cities/states/countries...I'm so thankful for those. It's not just about what religion you believe in, it's about our mental/emotional/spiritual state.  Not just spiritual as in religion, the spirits within each of us - aura, I guess you could say. That aura that when in a negative state can be felt by other auras when you enter a room and actually change the "feel" of the room. That same aura that when feelin real good "lights up" a room. I stopped watchin the news because its always been so depressing so if I want to know stuff I get online so I can choose what I want to know about. Call me a 'baby' if want to but I spent alot of my life in a negative state, I REFUSE to spend the rest of it as such. Signing off...

Smile big and beautiful to everyone you make eye contact with regardless of how you feel, you may feel better and cheer someone else up in the process ;-)